Green Opal Meaning and Healing Properties


History and Meaning of Green Opal

Green Opal has been rediscovered in the last few centuries. It is a semi-precious stone that consists of hydrated silica. Its color can range from light green to deep olive green, and it can sometimes exhibit blue or yellow hues as well.

Over 95% of all mined Opals come from Australia. The most popular and well-known is the bright Green Australian Opal. The value of this stone varies depending on its quality, color, size, and many other factors. Its worth can range from just a few dollars to thousands of dollars.

It is said to bring good luck in love, money, and business ventures. Green Opal is one of the most common Opals, but nevertheless, it is a treasure color and it’s believed that this stone can help you have success with relationships.

Green Opal

Zodiac Sign of Green Opal

Green Opal is the birthstone for October, which makes it a wonderful stone for people who were born in that month. It is ideal for people born under the water signs: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.

Green Opal is a powerful stone for those born under the zodiac sign Cancer. Its energy can be used to provide emotional support and to bring peace and balance. Those born under this sign are known for their caring nature, but they can often get overwhelmed by their sensitivity. Green Opal can help them stay grounded and centered.

Green Opal can be used to help Scorpios find balance and peace in their lives. This zodiac sign is known for being passionate, determined, and courageous. But sometimes they can be too driven and need a little help to relax. Green Opal can give them a sense of calm and inner strength.

And lastly, we have Pisces. Those born under this sign are known for their compassionate, creative, and gentle nature. However, they can easily become overwhelmed because of their sensitive emotions. Green Opal can help them connect with inner strength and stability, allowing them to remain centered and grounded.


Chemical Composition: SiO2·nH2O
Crystal System: Amorphous
Occurrence: Australia, Brazil, USA, Mexico, and Peru
Hardness: 5-6.5
Associated Chakra: Heart Chakra, Third-Eye Chakra

Physical Healing Properties

Green Opal helps with physical discomfort, by soothing and repairing the body, as well as strengthening the immune system. It reduces inflammation and fever.

Green Opal restores energy levels and can be an aid for those who are struggling with physical exhaustion.

Green Opal is known to have a beneficial influence on the liver, kidneys, and heart. It helps detoxify the blood and improve overall kidney health. This healing stone was widely used in ancient times to cure eye diseases.

Mental and Emotional Healing Properties

Green Opal has also some properties that can benefit the mind. As a result, Green Opal is great for productivity in the workplace or school. It promotes creativity by allowing you to see things differently than before, which can lead to better imagination. It emits an energy that lets you experience emotional balance and feel less stress. It can help you feel more at peace with yourself, which leads to an improved sense of well-being.

It gives you increased self-confidence and encourages feelings of joy and happiness. Green Opal is here for anyone who has recently gone through trauma or grief when their relationship was dissolved unexpectedly. It brings healing and strength to our hearts with its calming properties reminding us how much we can do on our own despite whatever challenges life may throw at us.

If you are suffering from insomnia Green Opal is a must-have stone for you. Its calming energy promotes balance and peace, which can help to lull the body into restful sleep.

Metaphysical Properties

Green Opal is a powerful stone to use when it comes to opening and balancing the heart and third eye chakra. The heart chakra is associated with compassion, love, forgiveness, and understanding. When this chakra is in balance, you can easily express your emotions without feeling guilt or shame. Green Opal helps open the heart chakra by providing emotional support and stability.

The third eye chakra is associated with intuition and wisdom. When this chakra is balanced, you can see things with clarity and make wiser decisions in life. Green Opal will help you open the third eye chakra, allowing its energy to increase spiritual understanding and inner vision. It encourages you to stay open-minded and helps you find answers within.

Its vibration aids in communication with your higher self and allows for a deep connection with your spiritual guides. It encourages spiritual growth and helps protect from negative energies. If you’re experiencing too much pessimism in your life, or if you just want to calm the worries of others, this gemstone may help shield you from these harmful influences.

Green Opal encourages you to work for your dreams and goals and helps you to manifest them. It is a great stone to use when you are trying to create change in your life. It gives you a helping hand and makes it easier for you to let go of old patterns and ways of being that no longer serve you. Green Opal can be used in meditation or placed on the third eye chakra to activate its psychic properties.

Different Types of Opal

Opal is a beautiful gemstone that comes in many different colors and varieties. Each type has its unique properties and benefits, making it a popular choice for jewelry and other decorative items.

There are different types of Opals that can be found around the world. The most common type is the White Opal, which is characterized by its milky white color and iridescent rainbow hues. Other types are Black Opals, Fire Opals, and Boulder Opals. They are distinguished from each other by several characteristics.

Black Opal

Black Opal is the most sought-after type of opal, as its dark and deep colors are unparalleled. It is treasured for its beauty, but also for the supporting energy it can bring to its wearer. This rare gemstone symbolizes courage, strength, and protection from harm. Believed to be a powerful grounding stone, Black Opal is said to bring comfort and security during difficult times.

White Opal

Commonly used in jewelry, this gem is characterized by its iridescence and its translucent white colors. White Opal is thought to bring good luck and help you to attract wealth and prosperity into your life. It can be used in meditation, allowing you to connect with your spirit guides, as well as providing protection against negative energies. White Opal can also be used to bring clarity of thought and help you focus on your goals.

Boulder Opal

Boulder Opal is a beautiful, eye-catching gemstone. It gets its unique appeal from its rough and rocky surface, which makes for a distinct look for any piece of jewelry. Due to the variety of color combinations this stone can come in, one has endless possibilities when choosing jewelry. Depending on what environment it was formed in at the time of origin, it can have colors ranging anywhere from white to brown and even have green hues thrown into the mix.

Fire Opal

Fire Opal is one of the rarer types of precious gems and the vibrant colors found in this stone make it a highly sought-after treasure. The fiery stone typically ranges in color from yellow to red, with orange hues being the most common. The beauty and rarity of the Fire Opal make it incredibly special, and it is believed to bring great courage, strength, passion, and creativity to those lucky enough to have it. Fire Opals have been used throughout history to adorn royal families. Many used Fire Opals for their healing energy.

Opals of all different types have been used for centuries for their beauty and healing properties. Whether you’re looking for a piece of jewelry or a stone to help balance your chakras, there’s an Opal out there that’s perfect for you.

Best Crystal Combinations with Green Opal

There is no one “best” crystal combination. However, some crystals are better suited for combining with Green Opal than others. Combining Green Opal with other crystals offers a variety of benefits, including increased vitality, creativity, and intuition.

Black Tourmaline, Rose Quartz, and Hematite are some of the most popular crystals to mix with Green Opal. Each of these stones has its own set of characteristics that can be enhanced by combining it with Green Opal.

Rose Quartz with Green Opal

Rose Quartz is a stone of love and compassion that can promote positive relationships. It is said to be one of the best crystals to use in combination with Green Opal, as it can help to open up the heart chakra and allow for the giving and receiving of love. The stone provides emotional healing by releasing past hurts and traumas. It’s also supposed to aid those who are going through a difficult time in their life since it can offer hope and comfort. When combined with Green Opal, it lets you feel more love in your life, as well as encourages better communication and understanding between partners. Green Opal brings good luck and prosperity. When used together, they amplify each other’s vibration and ensure that you are well-protected and grounded.

Black Tourmaline with Green Opal

Black Tourmaline is a stone that emits a protective energy and shields you from negative energy and EMF radiation. It is also known for its ability to ground and center the wearer. Together, these two stones make an unbeatable team when it comes to promoting positive energy and repelling negative influences.

Hematite with Green Opal

Hematite is often used for grounding, as it stabilizes the mind and body. It is also known to be a potent protection against negative energy. Combining these two stones can create a powerful combination that can help to heal the body and mind.

If you are looking to maximize the benefits you can get, try combining your Green Opal with one of these crystals. But of course, you can always try and see how it works with other stones if your intuition tells you so.

Final Thoughts

Green Opal has been rediscovered in the last few centuries and is said to bring good luck, help with a wide range of issues and assist in healing. Green Opal eases physical discomfort and strengthens the immune system. This stone is used to reduce anxiety and depression while bringing out a person’s potential. Green Opal helps you see things from a different perspective by letting go of old habits and changing your perception of current events. If you are looking for a crystal to help with healing, Green Opal is a great choice. If you are drawn to this stone, it may be the right one for you.