History and Meaning of Pink Sapphire
Pink Sapphire is a variety of the mineral Corundum, which is composed of aluminum oxide with trace amounts of iron and titanium. The presence of these elements gives the stone its unique color-a rosy pink-reddish hue.
Pink Sapphire has a Mohs hardness of 9, making it one of the hardest and most durable gemstones available on the market today. It is even considered to be second only to diamonds in terms of scratch resistance and toughness. This impressive durability makes Pink Sapphire an ideal choice for jewelry, as the gemstone can withstand everyday wear and tear without compromising its beauty.
Historically, Pink Sapphires have been associated with romance, love, and loyalty. Pink Sapphires were first found in the early 19th century in Sri Lanka. The stones soon gained popularity due to their rarity and vibrancy.
Since the discovery of Pink Sapphire in Sri Lanka this stone was very rare and expensive and not everyone could afford to buy one. It wasn’t until the late 1990s that rich deposits were found in Madagascar. This led to a significant increase in the production of Pink Sapphire, more variety, and thus availability at more accessible prices. Later, other sources of Pink Sapphire were found in Australia, Thailand, Madagascar, and Myanmar.

Zodiac Sign of Pink Sapphire
Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac and it’s often associated with stability, strength, and endurance. While Taureans may seem set in their ways, they also possess a certain amount of mental fortitude that often allows them to withstand things that would easily break others. Steady perseverance is part of the foundation upon which a Taurus builds their life, and it’s what gives them the confidence to follow through on any task they start.
As a grounding, stabilizing, and healing stone, Pink Sapphire is incredibly beneficial for Taurus-born individuals. Its soft pink color offers a sense of calm, enveloping the individual in serenity, balance, and harmony. Using Pink Sapphire will increase mindfulness, and reduce stress and worry – enabling one to stay focused on personal goals without getting distracted by irrelevant details. It amplifies qualities of physicality and sensuousness that are typical of Taurus. In addition to all these amazing benefits, this precious gem helps reveal inner truths while tackling any doubts and anxieties we face in our lives.
Chemical Composition: Al2O3
Crystal System: Trigonal
Occurrence: Australia, Thailand, Madagascar, Myanmar
Hardness: 9
Associated Chakra: Heart Chakra
Physical Healing Properties
Pink Sapphire has several physical healing powers. It can stimulate the heart and aid its normal functioning. It can help balance blood sugar levels and increase metabolism, leading to a healthier weight.
By cleansing and detoxifying the blood, it can improve circulation throughout the body, promoting better cardiovascular health. In addition, it is said to be beneficial in managing skin issues like rashes and blemishes.
This stone is also beneficial for the eyes due to its ability to reduce physical and mental fatigue. It helps to improve vision. Through its calming and soothing properties, it also relieves strain on the eyes caused by spending too much time in front of the screen.
Mental and Emotional Healing Properties
In today’s world, it can be easy to feel disconnected from those around us. We often find ourselves caught up in our own lives, struggling to balance work, family, and social obligations. Pink Sapphire is a great aid in these moments, helping to restore emotional balance and promoting compassion for others.
Pink Sapphire is a fantastic calming stone that has the power to soothe anxiety and stress. Its soft pink color brings a sense of balance and harmony, allowing one to be enveloped in a peaceful atmosphere. It also helps to reduce mental fatigue, making it easier for one to focus on personal goals without getting distracted by irrelevant details.
It soothes the heart and aligns it with the mind, easing the pain of past wounds and encouraging one to open up to new relationships. Pink Sapphire assists in the release of old patterns of behavior that no longer serve us. It can help you forgive those who have hurt or wronged you in the past. When we can let go of the past and embrace the present, we open ourselves up to more possibilities for happiness. Whether we are facing a major life transition or simply struggling to find our way back to our center, Pink Sapphire is a beautiful reminder that we are never alone.
Metaphysical Properties
The heart chakra, or Anahata Chakra in Sanskrit, is an energy point located in the center of our chest. It is the bridge between the lower and upper chakras, connecting the body and spirit in harmony. It is associated with love, joy, and devotion and helps us to feel emotionally connected to ourselves and to those around us. When this chakra is balanced, our sense of compassion and self-love increases, allowing us to open up our hearts more fully.
Pink Sapphire is known as a powerful stone for opening and balancing the heart chakra – its gentle pink hue resonates deeply with the spirit of love. Using it can help us to recognize that true happiness comes from within and that we need to nurture ourselves with acceptance and unconditional love.
Pink Sapphire teaches us to be vulnerable and strong at the same time. By aligning yourself with the stone’s energies, you can open yourself up to new opportunities for personal growth and greater happiness. Wear it as jewelry, carry it in your pocket, or keep it in your home where it can fill your space with positive energy.

Pink Sapphire vs Ruby
Both Pink Sapphire and Ruby are variations of the same mineral corundum, making them both particularly durable. They are both a 9 on the Mohs hardness scale, meaning they can be scratched by materials of equal or greater hardness but won’t be scratched by softer materials.
Pink Sapphire and Ruby differ not only in color but also in the amount of trace elements they contain. Both stones are made up of corundum, however, Ruby has higher levels of chromium; more chromium in the stone will make it take on a deeper red hue, while less chromium will give it a softer pink.
Ruby is highly valued in the gemstone market due to its rich, vibrant red color. It is a rare stone with much higher levels of chromium than Pink Sapphire, which gives it its deep hue and saturation. Its rarity makes Ruby more desirable and therefore more expensive.
Different Types of Pink Sapphire
Sapphires are beautiful and popular gemstones, most commonly found in shades of blue ranging from light pastel to deep navy. However, Sapphires can come in a wide range of vibrant colors, including yellow, green, and white. Each color comes with its unique properties and values.
Yellow Sapphire
Yellow Sapphire, also known as “Pukhraj” in India, is a gorgeous gemstone that comes in various shades of yellow and gold. They are a type of Corundum, which is the second-hardest gemstone after diamonds. Yellow Sapphire is believed to bring abundance and wealth, increasing the luck of those who wear it. It is also said to promote optimism and enthusiasm, making it a popular choice for entrepreneurs.
Green Sapphire
Green Sapphire comes in various shades of green, ranging from light pastel to deep forest. Green Sapphires are believed to bring inner peace and balance, helping the wearer find a sense of harmony and clarity. It is also said to promote emotional stability and encourage trust, making it ideal for those looking to develop their relationships.
White Sapphire
White Sapphire is a colorless variety of Sapphire that has a mesmerizing clarity and brilliance. It is valued for its ability to reflect light, giving it immense sparkle compared to other gemstones. White Sapphire is believed to bring spiritual connection, helping the wearer find inner peace and tranquility.
How to Spot Fake Pink Sapphire
If you’re considering purchasing a Pink Sapphire and the price seems too good to be true, likely, this stone is not natural or a fake one. Synthetic, or lab-created Pink Sapphire can cost significantly less than a genuine stone, so it’s important to be aware of the differences between natural and synthetic stones.
If you find air bubbles or visible inclusions within your Pink Sapphire, it is probably a fake. A real Pink Sapphire can have inclusions but not air bubbles.
Best Crystal Combinations
While Pink Sapphire is known for its ability to teach our bodies and minds to heal in unique and powerful ways, you may find that you benefit even more from pairing it with other gemstones.
Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz is known for its ability to open one’s heart and bring inner peace, while Pink Sapphire is prized for its ability to bring spiritual connection, emotional stability, and optimism. When combined, this power pairing helps to promote harmony between the mind, body, and spirit while encouraging self-love and peace.
Amethyst helps to protect against negative energies and promotes mental clarity. When paired with Pink Sapphire, this combination can help to bring balance between spiritual and emotional insight for a more fulfilling life experience.
Citrine is known to be an energizing crystal, bringing warmth and joy to its wearer. It brings mental clarity and stimulates creativity, while Pink helps to promote emotional stability and spiritual connection. Together, this combination can help you find harmony in the mind, body, and spirit while encouraging intellectual development and deep insight.
How to Cleanse Pink Sapphire
Like other crystals too, Pink Sapphire can accumulate negative energy over time. Fortunately, it’s easy to cleanse and recharge your Pink Sapphire.
One of the most effective ways to cleanse and recharge your Pink Sapphire is with the use of a sage smudge stick. Burning sage or palo santo releases negative ions and scents that purify the energy surrounding your crystal and refresh it. Before burning sage, make sure you open a window to ensure proper ventilation in the room. Once your crystal has been cleansed, it will be ready to work its magic once again.
Final Thoughts
Pink Sapphire is an incredible stone that has the potential to bring balance, healing, and positive energy into your life. In addition to its many meanings and properties, it has become a popular choice for jewelry because of its beautiful color. Pink Sapphire is associated with love, passion, and romance.