Super Seven Meaning and Healing Properties


History and Meaning of Super Seven

The Super Seven crystal also known as the Melody Stone or Sacred Stone was first discovered in Espírito Santo, Brazil. It is a rare and beautiful gemstone that has a unique blend of seven different minerals, including Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Rutile, Cacoxenite, Lepidocrocite, and Goethite.

Its hues of purple, pink, yellow, and brown are mesmerizing and its vibrational energy is said to be very powerful.

The most expensive specimens have a red cap on the top, which is made of Hematite and are sometimes called Super 8. These Super Eight crystals can cost thousands of dollars.

Super Seven is a durable stone with a Mohs hardness of 7, making it suitable for use in jewelry and other decorative objects. Today, Super Seven is cherished by crystal lovers all over the world for its beauty and its unique energy.

Super Seven
Super Seven

Zodiac Sign of Super Seven

Super Seven is beneficial for all zodiac signs. It assists the zodiac signs by promoting balance and harmony. It promotes self-love, confidence, and acceptance. Super Seven can be used to help with any issue that you may be facing in your life. Whether you are looking for guidance, strength, or just a little pick-me-up, the Super Seven crystal can help.


Chemical Composition: –
Crystal System: –
Occurrence: Brazil
Hardness: 7
Associated Chakra: All Chakras

Physical Healing Properties

Super Seven is a powerful healing stone that has a wide range of benefits. It supports the body’s natural healing capability and is beneficial for the immune system, heart, and kidneys. It helps with physical exhaustion and can be used to relieve pain.

Mental and Emotional Healing Properties

Super Seven is also a powerful tool for mental and emotional healing. The energy of this stone helps to bring balance and harmony, providing a sense of calm and peace.

Whether you’re dealing with personal trauma or simply seeking clarity and focus, Super Seven helps to remove inner blocks and open up pathways for healing.

Super Seven stimulates creativity, imagination, and intuition. It can help to dissolve negative thought patterns and beliefs and open you up to new possibilities. Super Seven boosts your mood and promotes a state of well-being by emitting a high vibrational frequency. When used regularly, this crystal can be an invaluable tool for achieving mental and emotional balance.

Metaphysical Properties

Super Seven balances all seven main chakras and aligns the energies of the body. It is highly beneficial for all of the main chakras. It helps to open and unblock them while promoting a harmonious energy flow throughout the body.

Super Seven elevates your spiritual awareness and enables you to reach higher realms of consciousness and get divine guidance from your Higher Self or Ascended Masters.

If you are close to having your first astral travel but feel like you need a little help to actually do it, Super Seven can give you the push you need. When you are already traveling the astral realms Super Seven will protect you and keep you safe.

Super Seven is one of the most powerful crystals for manifesting your desires. It helps to clear away any inner blocks or negative energy that could be preventing you from achieving your goals.

This crystal will provide protection while also encouraging growth, exploration, and expansion on all levels. It helps to open up your mind to new possibilities and encourages you to take action towards achieving your dreams.

Super Seven can be used to access ancient wisdom and understand the interconnectedness of all things. It is used for developing spiritual abilities such as clairvoyance, telepathy, and divination.

Some people feel an immediate connection to Super Seven, while others may need to spend some time meditating with it before they start to feel its effects. It emits a very high frequency that contains the energies of seven different minerals. Because of its high vibration, Super Seven can be overwhelming for some people. If you are new to working with high-vibration stones, it is best to start slowly and build up your exposure over time. With a little bit of patience and intention, you will be able to connect with its powerful energy and use it to help you on your journey.

Super Seven
Super Seven

How to Spot Fake Super Seven

When shopping for Super Seven, the first thing to consider is the price. If the price of the stone seems too good to be true then it likely is. Genuine Super Seven is rare and expensive.

Because there also exist Super Five and Super Six crystals which only contain five and six different minerals instead of seven, some vendors will try to sell them as Super Seven. That’s because it is hard to tell how many minerals a Super Seven has within it.

If you really want to be sure that you get a genuine piece, then you should buy from a reputable seller. Ask for the certificate of authenticity or lab report to confirm that the crystal contains all 7 minerals – Amethyst, Smoky Quartz, Clear Quartz, Cacoxenite, Rutile, Lepidocrocite, and Goethite.

Best Crystal Combinations

Super Seven is powerful on its own, but combining it with other healing crystals can bring even more benefits. When used in combination with other stones, Super Seven amplifies their energy and enhances their healing properties.


Angelite is a great crystal to combine with Super Seven. Together they create a synergy that helps to open up your intuitive abilities and connect you with the angelic realm.


Combining Super Seven with Selenite creates a strong connection with your higher self and access to divine guidance and wisdom. This combination can also be used to dissolve negative energy and promote emotional healing.


Super Seven and Fluorite help to bring clarity and focus. This combination is particularly useful for anyone dealing with confusion or doubt. It can help to increase your concentration and enhance your ability to make decisions.


Super Seven with Apophyllite creates a great combination that helps to clear inner blockages and open the pathways for spiritual growth. This combination is also useful for those who are looking to tap into their higher consciousness and access divine wisdom.

How to Cleanse Super Seven

Super Seven is an extraordinary crystal that never requires cleansing because it does it on its own. But if you want to have a piece of mind you can still cleanse it using sound, smudging, or moonlight.

Final Thoughts

Super Seven is a special crystal with many benefits. It encourages you to progress on your spiritual path and contributes to a balanced mind and body. Since this powerful crystal carries the energies of seven different minerals, it is an incredibly helpful tool for cleansing negative energy while amplifying positive vibrations. What makes Super Seven special is that its high vibrational energy helps to amplify spiritual awareness and bring clarity into one’s life.