Super Seven Meaning and Healing Properties

Super Seven Meaning and Healing Properties

History and Meaning of Super Seven The Super Seven crystal also known as the Melody Stone or Sacred Stone was first discovered in Espírito Santo, Brazil. It is a rare and beautiful gemstone that has a unique blend of seven different minerals, including Amethyst, Clear...
Alexandrite Meaning and Healing Properties

Alexandrite Meaning and Healing Properties

History and Meaning of Alexandrite Alexandrite is a variety of Chrysoberyl that is known for its ability to change colors in different lighting conditions. It typically exhibits a green to blue color in daylight and a red to purple color in incandescent light....

Rainbow Obsidian Meaning and Healing Properties

History and Meaning of Rainbow Obsidian Rainbow Obsidian, also known as Iris Obsidian or Sheen Obsidian, is a type of natural glass that is formed when hot molten lava cools and solidifies at different rates. Rainbow Obsidian has a black to dark gray color in its raw...
Peach Aventurine Meaning and Healing Properties

Peach Aventurine Meaning and Healing Properties

History and Meaning of Peach Aventurine The name “Aventurine” is derived from the Italian phrase “a ventura,” which means “by chance.” Peach Aventurine specifically has a unique vivid salmon-peach coloration due to trace amounts of Hematite, Goethite, and...
Red Beryl Meaning and Healing Properties

Red Beryl Meaning and Healing Properties

History and Meaning of Red Beryl Red beryl, also known as Bixbite or Red Emerald, is a rare mineral that is a variety of Beryl and is composed of beryllium aluminum cyclosilicate. It is highly sought after for its remarkable color, ranging from a deep crimson to a...
Pink Sapphire Meaning and Healing Properties

Pink Sapphire Meaning and Healing Properties

History and Meaning of Pink Sapphire Pink Sapphire is a variety of the mineral Corundum, which is composed of aluminum oxide with trace amounts of iron and titanium. The presence of these elements gives the stone its unique color-a rosy pink-reddish hue. Pink Sapphire...